Parlament julij 2017

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Slovenia, once a part of Yugoslavia, gained its independence on June 25th, 1991. Today it is a state with a parliamentary system in which the most important role is played by the parliament as the legislative branch of power.

The democratic approach to lead the nation has a long tradition among Slovenians. A French jurist and political philosopher Jean Bodin with his works and mentioning a mediaeval ceremony from Carinthia inspired Thomas Jefferson when writing Declaration of independenceSlovenians in Cleveland are so proud they even put a plague Slovenians, Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of independence.

Today the Slovenian parliament comprises the National Assembly and the National Council. The National Assembly is a representative and legislative body. Ninety deputies of the National Assembly are elected by direct, secret ballot on the basis of universal and equal suffrage. The two representatives of the Italian and Hungarian national communities are each guaranteed a seat in the National Assembly.

The palace of the National Assembly dominates the Republic Square in the new part of the city centre. It was done by in Kotor born architect Vinko Glanz in year 1958. A very attractive portal was decorated by artists Karel Putrih and Zdenko Kalin.

The inner part was designed the same period, however in the last few years refreshed. The palace is worth spending some time there. We invite you to join us on our Private guided tour where we are going to reveal some stories from Slovenian recent history.

Written by: Mateja

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