Dry Walls - Suhozid

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A monument to harsh life conditions in the past

One third of Slovenia is a lime- stone region, the area that we call KRAS. However, some of our travelers call it KARST, simply because it is easier to pronounce the name.

The locals today earn their daily income mostly in tourism industry; however, in the past the life was much more though. The soil, terra rossa (red soil) is very fertile, but generally, the terrain was less suitable for agriculture. The land is full of rocks and if people wanted to cultivate it, they had to clean their fields first.

There were many rocks: some were used as a building material for homes, some for numerous terraces that were constructed on steep slopes and the other ones for the so-called dry walls around the field. The construction of the walls was not simple. There was no binding material. The artisans had to be very skilled. The walls with no binding material SUHODZID (dry walls) resisted strong Burja North Wind for centuries. Later on, many people left the area; they got better jobs in bigger cities or even across the ocean. Dry walls became a silent monument to a harsh life of our locals in the past.

We invite you to join us on one of our custom-made tours. Most of the Slovenian Kras is well known for its magnificent underground world, for the elegant Lipizzaner horses or for the Predjama castle, one of the unique castles on the planet!

However, when on a private tour you can get more: we can enrich your day out with a ride through the scenic countryside, to enjoy the off the beaten path roads with above-mentioned dry walls. The customized tour we could spice up with a stop at one of the charming places like Štanjel, Goče or Ajdovščina.

Do not hesitate; contact us, we would be very happy to make a perfect city escape for you!

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