2000 years of Roman city Emona
Do you think that globalization started in the last century? Not realy! At the begining of 21st century we in Ljubljana celebrate 2000 years of extention of a Roman empire towards NOrth-Eastern part of Europe and that was actualy the first strategic global aproach. Don't you belive that?
When in year 181 before Christ Romans established the city of Aquilea (today in Italy) their goal was actually to spread their empire from there towards today's Vienna, Poland and further up to Baltic states. Their high quality, 20 feet wide roads were built in all directions, from every corner of the empire towards Rome. Have you heard expression: all roads lead to Rome? In the year 14 they established our today's capital, called Colonia Iulia Emona. The period from that year until the middle of the 5th century was very rich, with very high quality living standars: the city was very well planned, excellent secured, high quality built houses: with central heating, sewage system, mosaics, frescos, very high quality foods from all around Meditereanean sea, etc. All that can be our inspiration still today. Soon arrived first invadors from East and romans started to build so called Claustra Alpium Iuliarum,aprotection system which expended from Rijeka in today's Croatia up to river Soča on Slovenian-Italian border. The remains can be admired still nowadays, specialy interesting is in archeological park Ad Pirum, Hrušica on a local route Logatec- Ajdovščina. After the second arrival of Huns in year 452 a lot of these remains were destroied, however, some of them can be seen today as well. We invite you to join us on our Roman tour- we are sure, you will not be disappointed!